When you’re looking for a turf supplier, there are a few things that should be taken into consideration, especially if you are just starting out. Ideal turf suppliers ensure that great lawn solutions are provided for homeowners and commercial businesses. They also need to exhibit certain features to become preferred distributors for large landscape contractors and councils.
Here are some good qualities to consider when finding the top turf suppliers in Sydney.
Type of soil and growing techniques
The quality of turf and turf supplies depend largely on whether natural turf grasses have been grown on rich, organic soil. It is also influenced by the turf growing approaches of the turf suppliers. Turf growing techniques can also affect the longevity of the turf after it has been laid. Quality grown turf will have a better chance of survival compared to a low quality turf.
High-quality and all-natural turf helps decrease soil pollution as it serves as a natural filter that purifies water that goes through the root systems. Along with turf grass, good-quality turf can also help in the absorption of air pollutants such as sulphur dioxide and carbon dioxide.
Wide range of turf
Purchasing Sydney turf supplies enables buyers to select all-natural grass for their respective turf farms and lawns. Natural turf grasses can be grown outdoors, especially in the front yards, backyard and large open areas.
There is a vast range of turf varieties to choose from when selecting the best turf suppliers. Some common turf varieties include the innovative Zoysia grasses, Soft Leaf Buffalo lawns and Superfine Couches. Top turf suppliers also have an in-house turf display or on farm viewings, some where you can see the turf growing before you make a purchase.
Availability of stock
The cooling effect of average home lawns is the equivalent of about 9 tonnes of air conditioning. Thus, top turf suppliers in Sydney should offer big stocks of cooling grasses like Empire Zoysia, Kikuyu grass, and Palmetto Buffalo grass. If in case you are uncertain about the type of lawn that’s ideal for your needs, you can create a comparison of the various types of grasses available from turf suppliers by personally visiting their premises and asking a representative for relevant information.
Fast delivery and turnaround time
Turf suppliers need to consider the condition of their delivery trucks. Each truck should be fitted with forklifts for easier delivery of turf and lawn supplies. Turf should be delivered within 24hours of harvesting to enable maximum freshness of the product.
Convenient payment methods should be offered such as check on delivery and credit card. Deliveries are normally scheduled six days every week and require 24 to 48 hours notice for turf products to be brought to customers. Turf suppliers should also be open to farm pick-ups.
Great customer service and professionalism
All lawn and turf supply orders need to be handled with excellent service and professionalism. They should also offer full after-sales support, especially for beginners. And, as hinted above, prefer suppliers have farm inspection available before purchase.
Onsite advice and guidance
Top turf suppliers should also give reliable, free onsite advice on lawns that were purchased from them. Turf suppliers should be open to being notified of concerns regarding new lawns. Personal guidance and high-quality service should be provided.
Hi Quality Turf gladly helps customers make good turf-buying decisions. We’re proud of our unmatched customer service, walking you through the buying process to make sure you’re getting nothing but the best.
If you’re looking for some new turf this year, give us a call on 1800 887 258 and one of our friendly staff will be happy to help!