Empire™ Zoysia Turf
Japonica ‘SS500′ PBR:
Empire Zoysia turf is an adaptable lawn which is well suited to Australian conditions. Empire Zoysia grass performs well in both sandy and clay soils as well as coastal areas. It is ideal for sloping areas and has excellent disease and pest resistance.
It is a perfect choice for a high use yard with kids & pets. Empire Zoysia has been labelled the E-Z (easy) grass because of its low maintenance. Australian research shows Empire Zoysia turf requires 1/3 less mowing than Kikuyu and ½ the mowing of standard Couch grass. It competes well with weeds and is able to handle extreme drought conditions.
Empire Zoysia Winter Colour
Empire Zoysia is dark green in colour and soft to the touch with a good winter colour. It can also tolerate a moderate amount of shade. Empire has a wide range of uses such as residential, commercial, road sides, parks & schools.
Top Empire Zoysia Turf Growers in Sydney

Empire Zoysia Turf Characteristics
- Shade Tolerance: Up to 40%
- Durability: Medium
- Winter Colour: Good
- Mowing Frequency: Medium
- Leaf Size: Fine
- Suitable Use: Home Lawns, Road Sides, Amenity Areas