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    Bindi Season Is Back – How To Control Them

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    Nothing quite says summer like a family BBQ in the backyard, sausages on the grill and the kids running around in the backyard. The sun is out and everyone is having a great time until the attack of the dreaded Bindi.   

    An instant mood-killer, Bindi weeds do their most damage in summer and can be incredibly difficult to eradicate for good. They seem to never miss an opportunity to cause damage, and our feet and four legged friends are prime targets for this obnoxious weed.

    Luckily there are few options available to help you minimise and even eradicate a potential Bindi outbreak. Here at Hi Quality Turf with over 40 years of experience in the industry we’re well accustomed to all the damage bindis can cause.  We’ve put together this handy guide to help our customers get on top of any Bindi infestation and even better prepare for next season. 


    Know Your Enemy

    Bindi (soliva sessilis) is a prickly, painful, annoying lawn weed originating from South America that has now become common throughout Australia. It is a low mat-like weed that can inhabit all grass types and is distinguishable by its feathery, parsley-like leaves.

    Bindi follows a distinct growth pattern throughout the year. It originally forms during winter as a low growing weed with carrot top like leaves. Come spring time, it produces a single flower that matures to form a prickly seed pod with three spines. In summer time, this is where this weed truly becomes a hindrance. Once dried, the seed pod can splinter causing noticeable pain whenever you come into contact with it.

    As summer progresses, seeds drop from the plant and can be further spread by foot traffic or on the fur of animals. Unfortunately once the plant produces flowers and seeds it can be quite difficult to control their spread.


    Hand Removal

    If you have a small lawn area and you catch the Bindi problem early enough, then weeding by hand can be an effective solution. This option is one of the more natural ways to solve this problem and you’ll avoid the use of weedkillers or chemicals.

    When removing the plant, make sure you wear protective gloves, remove the plant along with its roots and dispose of them in the bin. Leaving roots in the soil or on your lawn will allow the Bindi weeds to easily grow back again next year.


    Selective Herbicide 

    If your lawn area is too large to control by hand or you’ve already got a Bindi infestation on your hands, then spraying with a selective herbicide is your best option.

    There are excellent commercial herbicides that will target Bindi weeds without harming your valuable turf, but when selecting which to use, make sure you first read the label to ensure it is suitable for the type of lawn you have.

    When spraying, please read and follow all the manufacturer’s instructions and wear protective clothing including gloves when handling any chemicals or poisons. Spot spraying may miss bindi weeds that are still emerging, so it’s advisable to blanket spray any infected areas.

    Another consideration to take into account is whether the Bindi has already flowered. In this scenario you will need to use a different kind of spray such as those containing dimethylamine.


    Alternative Treatments

    Two further alternatives to control or kill Bindi include Iron Sulphate and boiling water.

    Iron Sulphate can be purchased from any nursery or garden centre. You can make a solution by mixing 2 tablespoons of Iron Sulphate in 4.5 litres of water, then spray the mixture onto the Bindi affected areas. 

    Pouring boiling water on a small lawn area to control Bindi infestation is another option, but be very careful as it will also kill surrounding grass.



    Prevention is always better than a cure. While it may be too late for this season, it always helps to be better prepared for next time round. The best way to naturally prevent Bindi, and other weeds, from appearing in your lawn is to keep it healthy. By regularly fertilising and watering your lawn, it will be able to outcompete most weeds.

    If you have a well established lawn in good condition, you can also use a pre-emergent herbicide. These types of herbicides target weed seeds underground before they germinate and grow in your lawn.

    During the winter months, it’s especially important to keep your lawn a little longer preventing bindis becoming established in the first place. By raising your mowing height you can avoid scalping your lawn that opens up your lawn to weed invasion.

    With a bit of regular care, your lawn will remain well maintained and nourished, minimising the amount of time needed for any future weed removal.

    Your lawn is the perfect place to relax, play and enjoy barbecues throughout spring and summer.

    However there’s nothing worse than strolling through your backyard only to get a sharp pain jolt through your foot. The attack of the dreaded Bindi, this obnoxious weed has been causing damage in Australian backyards year after year.

    Rest assured there’s a few simple steps you can take to get on top of any Bindi infestation.

    If you have a small yard and you catch the Bindi problem early enough, then weeding by hand, an Iron Sulphate solution or boiling water can all be effective solutions. For a larger infestation, spraying with a selective herbicide that is appropriate for your lawn type is your best option.

    Finally to help prevent an outbreak for next season, make sure you regularly fertilise and water your lawn to help it outcompete weeds. During the winter months, in order to prevent Bindi from becoming established in the first place make sure you keep your lawn a little longer and avoid scalping your lawn when mowing.

    If you’re after any further expert advice on weed eradication, and tips to keep your lawn looking healthy all year round, look no further than us here at Hi Quality Turf. We’ve been in the industry for over 40 years, providing quality turf supplies and looking after our customers needs from seedling all the way through to long-term maintenance.


    For any of your lawn needs, why not contact us today.

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