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    5 Backyard Family Summer Activities

    Category Latest News

    Summertime means trips to the beach, the lake, the river or pool. We spend a day at the park or climb on the playground. But why not make the most of the luscious lawn in your backyard by having some family fun there?

    Boy on slip n’ slide having fun

    Here are some ideas to get you started.


    Who said you had to go further than your own backyard to enjoy some quality camping fun? Pack your bags, set that old tent up and get the campfire going. Serve up a camp style dinner, whether it is potatoes, baked beans, marshmallows or sausages over the fire.

    Settle in for a night of fun activities, including campfire songs, storytelling or just some star-gazing. You’ll be surprised how much fun the kids will have! And if you forget anything, your house is right there. If you’re worried about damaging your lovely lawn with a campfire, a small, portable barbeque should do the trick.

    Slip n’ Slide

    Nothing’s better on a hot day than some water fun. This could be a simple as running around while the sprinkler is on or having a water bomb fight. Or you could get more creative with a backyard slip n’ slide. These days you can buy slip n’ slides from stores for about $30 but they’re often poor quality. Why not have more fun by doing it DIY?

    All you need a long piece of thick plastic, something to weigh it down, some detergent and some water. Make sure there aren’t any rocks or other obstacles underneath the plastic that might cause injury and use grey water safe detergent to avoid damaging your lawn too much.

    Remember to comply with any water restrictions and that some damage to the lawn is inevitable. This will be less of an issue if you have durable turf that can recover from damage easily.


    Looking for a backyard sport besides cricket? Why not give dodgeball a go? It’s a simple, fast paced game that can be played by anyone. It’s great for backyard family fun as teams of mixed ability, gender, and age are definitely possible.

    The aim of the game is as simple as eliminating the opposing team by hitting them with a ball or catching one of their throws. There is also plenty of room for creative rule variations to keep your sessions fresh. Remember to use a soft ball and not to throw too hard!

    Family Olympics

    Another great way to get the whole family involved in a backyard activity is to host your own family Olympics. Come up with some games that everyone will enjoy.

    Some ideas might include:

    • Sack race
    • Egg and spoon race
    • Relays
    • Giant skipping rope
    • Rolling race
    • Sack race

    Why not buy some medals from a party store to make it interesting? Don’t forget to sing the national anthem when you award them!

    Build a Fort

    Everyone loves building a fort and when you take it to the backyard, the options are limitless! An easy way to start is to use some large boxes and build around it. You could get these from a local store or save them from a recent purchase like a new TV.

    An even easier way is to use existing structures like clotheslines or trees and build using sheets, cushions and chairs. Just remember to remind everyone to dismantle everything at the end of the day and put it back where it belongs.

    A Durable Lawn for Backyard Family Fun

    Summer backyard activities can place a lot of strain on your lawn, but this won’t be a problem if you’ve got tough high quality turf. We offer a range of soft, beautiful and durable grass including Kikuyu, Conquest Couch and Sapphire Buffalo to ensure you can enjoy your summer activities without causing lasting damage to your lawn.

    For all your turf needs, get in touch with the team at Hi Quality Turf. We supply turf Australia-wide and provide installations around Sydney, from Wollongong to Newcastle to Orange. Call us on 1800 887 258 for a chat or contact us online.